
So I’m not single anymore, yay! I met this guy and his name is Joshua. We went to school together he was a senior and I was a freshman. When we first met we were just friends nothing else. So at that time we added each other on Facebook. Since he was a senior he graduated and soon lost contact. I’m a senior now. So a few months ago he had posted a status. The status was ” like my status for a phone call.” I originally liked it because I was bored. But the weird part was t hat I had lost all my contacts a few days ago so he had my number but I didn’t have his. After that phone call it’s all history. But this guy isn’t just a civilian, hes in the military. Just imagine what I’m going through right now. But I know he’s all worth it.

Friends Come and Go

Well I’m done. Ha, I had a very good friend. We were like really close. But then she got a boyfriend, I mean don’t get me wrong I’m happy for her because I know how it feels to be all lovey dovey. So in any form whatsoever I’m not jealous of her relationship. But she is WHIPPED! Literary, at lunch there isn’t one day that she is not with him. When she’s at the table with him and us it’s like we don’t exist. Yet, she gets all mad at us because every time the rest of the girls and I make plans we don’t bother asking her. Why? Because she never come. So why bother. Plus we make plans literary last minute. Everything is last minute and it always been like that. But she wants to know like 2 months before anything we do. Its so sad to see her like this. I’m a junior right now. Class of 2015 whoop! And she has a sister which is a senior so she’s been hanging out with the seniors. So what’s going to happen when her boyfriend goes to college next school year and all her senior friends are all gone. She’s going to be crawling back to us. No, bitch ha. We’ll see.

Catching Up

Well, it’s been a really long time that I’ve been blogging I guess. I got really lazy. This post is so lame whatsoever, and I’m just catching up about my life. Well I still have hyperthyriod, and eventually I’m going to have hypothyriod. A lot of people take my kindness as flirting and I’m just like, “no boo, I’m just yo friend.” Lol but what can say I’m too nice, or guys take it as flirting. I started talking to my ex Jose. He probably thinks I like him but no that’s not the case. School is whatever. 2015 say whaaaaaaaaaaat!!!!??? But rn chemistry is so difficult for me. I have to learn because I want to be in the medical field. Like I said this post has so point to it. xo j ✌


Unbiologial Sister By Jazmin Galindo

You’re kind

Like a beautiful butterfly lost at sea

Flying away to freedom but always going back home to a beloved family

She’s awfully doesn’t care, but extremely shy

she has all these open wounds but still manage to fly

Just like me, you’re willing to fight for anything you love

I’ve been here since day one

Even though butterflies don’t make a big impact

You did to me

Thank you for being my unbiological sister




I have hyperthyroid. Some people feel bad for me and I don’t like it. Yes, I am going to have it for the rest of my life. But that’s okay I’ve learn to accept it. At first I was like ” What? What do you mean I have hyperthyroid? ” Obviously I didn’t even know what is was nor what it could do to me. When I first got the news I was shocked, ” fml I told myself ” 4 years ago I got Bells Palsy and now this. Great just great my life is ruin I said to my self. I have to take medication for life, I have to take treatments for life. I’m trying to keep positive though. I know it’ll get better soon. I’ll just have to listen what the doctors tells me to do. I’m not going to lie I’m really really scared. Half od my friends don’t even know I have it. I think I’m just going to keep it low key for now. Don’t get me wrong I’m not embarrassed of it. I know there’s more people with this disease too I’m not the only one. I’m not worrying too much just being happy.